What’s New for May? Talking Shop with Mark

What’s New for May? Talking Shop with Mark

Each month we’ll be checking in with the brains behind the team here at Trayvax, Mark King. Let’s see what Mark’s been tinkering with and his plans for the future:

Last time we talked, you said you were working on a truck bed camper? How’s that coming along?

It is going well! In the evening after work, I have been assembling panels of laser cut metal together to create the camper. It is designed in such a way that the welded panels hold the camper together and also give it its strength. There are cabinets on order that will occupy the inside of the camper and I’m excited to install them when they arrive in the next few days. The reason why I am so interested in building a great truck bed camper is because my current trailer was dented by a neighbor. Trailers these days aren't built to withstand any abuse, and as a result, they don't last. This trailer will be welded, simple, and it will be built to outlast.

Can you provide any clues about your next big product launch?

We are delving into apparel. I firmly believe that one way we can support our nation is to buy USA made apparel. So to that, we’re working on a VERY cool all season jacket. And we’ll be proud to stamp “Made in USA” right on the front.

Trayvax was recently awarded Start-Up Business of the Year. Why do you think Trayvax was selected for this award?

We’ve been very blessed as a company to have made it past all of the hurdles that have come our way. I truly believe that our mission to create 5000 American jobs is something to be excited about. But our innovation and ability to adapt/change quickly is what may have helped us win. I want this company to improve the lives of many people, not just be profitable.

Are there any life changing events that have happened recently that you’d like to share?

I am recently engaged to a gal named Melissa. She's one of the smartest people I've ever met, and an all around amazing person. I really feel like my level of responsibility kicked up another notch!

If you could have dinner with any three people, alive or dead, who would they be and why?

If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be in the order of:

-Abraham Lincoln
-Thomas Edison

I think that's a pretty solid list that should speak for itself!


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