American Manufacturing

Just Because it’s Made in America, Is it Really Worth More?

Just Because it’s Made in America, Is it Really Worth More?

I recently came across the following post on our Facebook page, “And while I appreciate that more things are being touted at American Made, it doesn't make them worth more in my opinion.”

trayvax american made

Let me start out by saying that everyone is entitled to their opinion. That being said, I’m going to express mine. An American Made product is worth far more, and let me tell you why.

When you buy an American made product, you’re supporting the creation of jobs in the United States. When you purchase a product that was made outside of the USA, you’re supporting job growth abroad. If you’re an American and you don’t feel that supporting local job growth is worth more, then you are certainly entitled to your opinion.

When you buy an American made product, you’re injecting money back into domestic communities. They take that money and spend it at local restaurants, movie theatres and grocery stores. This helps boost the local economy and keeps money circulating throughout the community. When you purchase a product that’s built with foreign components, you’re supporting supplier communities overseas. If you don’t feel like supporting your local economy is worth more, then you are certainly entitled to your opinion. 

When you buy an American made product, you’re contributing less to pollution. Typically, countries we import from have lax standards for environmental protection. In addition, there’s far more transportation involved when shipping a product overseas. If you don’t feel that reducing your carbon footprint is worth more, then you are certainly entitled to your opinion.

I can go on and on all day, but I don’t feel like I need to. When you see a product that’s been made and sourced in the USA, you better believe it’s worth more.


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A product that is made, and sourced here in the USA, especially a superior product such as yours, in a day like today speaks volumes to the rest of the world. It represents continued VITALITY.



A product that is made, and sourced here in the USA, especially a superior product such as yours, in a day like today speaks volumes to the rest of the world. It represents continued VITALITY.



The better a local economy is, the more money everyone in it makes.

Rick Spencer

Rick Spencer

I don’t view you product as paying more. This is a forever wallet. It’s a lifetime wallet. You will never have to buy another wallet again. From that perspective your wallet is a bargain. You have to stress this about your wallet in your marketing efforts.

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