American Manufacturing

How Trayvax is Keeping American Manufacturing Sustainable

How Trayvax is Keeping American Manufacturing Sustainable

At Trayvax, we look at manufacturing a little differently. We’re a young company, but we’ve been around long enough to know that the current consumer culture that we’ve built our lives around is not sustainable. Instead of continuing down the same path, we’ve decided to do something about it.

Trayvax looking up at sustainable trees

Environmental Sustainability

Rather than build products that are designed to fail, we test all of our products to withstand 65 years of heavy use. Believe or not, manufacturers are purposely building products to fail. It’s called planned obsolescence and it’s filling our landfills with unwanted waste and junk.

Why? So these same manufacturers can continue to sell you things and reap heavy profits. We’ve been told that we’ll go out of business if people are only buying our wallets every 65 years. The reality is, people respect a well-made product and they respect the idea that we’re concerned about the environment. We would argue that the companies making inferior products with no regard for the environment are the ones that’ll go out of business. Not Trayvax.

Economic Sustainability

We’ve drawn a line in the sand and we refuse to cross it. Everything we build and source is Made in the USA. While this typically translates to higher costs on our end, it also means that we’re injecting money back into local economies and not China.

It’s not only important that we keep manufacturing jobs in the United States, but it’s also important that manufacturer’s work with other US vendors to help support local job growth. The more we support other US businesses, the more opportunities for new employment. Furthermore, it helps with the recirculation of money into local economies, leading to more healthy and livable communities in the United States.

Social Sustainability

We give back 10% of all profits to local charities and non-profits. This money is earmarked and we cannot spend it on anything else. In addition, Mark has a pretty unique philosophy, “when profits are down, we donate more.”

Our founder is a firm believer in the law of the tenfold return: whatever we give, whether it’s money, time, donations, labor or anything else, we know we’ll receive the same back multiplied 10 times. It really just comes down to helping your neighbor and giving back to the communities that have helped us prosper. From donating farm equipment to Growing Veterans to working with local homeless outreach centers, every Trayvax purchase contributes to a better quality of life.


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