Where to Buy Cool Wallets?


-A "cool" wallet feels good on you
-Be different
-Find a brand that fits your personality
-Buy a cool wallet with longevity in mind

Have you ever dropped all the contents of your wallet unexpectedly on the ground or even worse, in the grocery store checkout line? And while scrambling to pick everything up you thought to yourself “I should slim down my wallet.” The next thought being "where can I buy a cool wallet from?" Whether your wallet's stitching is falling apart, your partner does not want to be associated with your duct tape wallet any longer or it is just time for a new wallet, Trayvax is here to help you get a cool wallet!

What Makes a Wallet "Cool?"
Buying a fresh wallet will grab people’s attention while buying your morning coffee from the barista. More importantly, a classy and user-friendly wallet feels good in your hands and makes you proud to carry it in your pocket. Design features will intrigue and should help in making your choice of wallet stand out from the rest. It is these same products that help in molding other’s perspectives of us - what makes us unique. These resources make us the people the rest of society views us as and help us stand out!

When grabbing a bite to eat with a friend I find myself putting my Contour Wallet on the table more often than not. I am proud to carry it in my pocket but even more proud to show it off. A unique wallet is a conversation piece that has people inquiring, "Where did you buy that?" Usually I crack a grin and put it in their hand; so they have the opportunity to experience a Trayvax wallet for themselves.


Being "Cool" Means Being Different:
Buying products that make you standout from the crowd is how we associate someone as being “cool” as we head into 2020. The trendsetter, the unique personality, the innovator are all qualities of a distinctive individual. Tapping into your own design flow will allow your creativity to express itself. Finding products that empower your creative lifestyle is what makes you different. Seek to be different - it will set you apart from the rest. 

Where To Buy Cool Products?
When it comes down to the purchase, many of us hesitate worrying if the product aligns with our personality. However, if you are trying to have less stuff, purchasing products with longevity in mind should be at the top of the list. Researching the history of the company you are purchasing from can shed some light on that concern. Checking out a company's social media handles, reading customer feedback or watching product videos can provide direct insight on whether or not the brand is right for you. When I am researching a product, after a bit of scrolling, I can be confident in my purchase or put it on the back burner.


As the world continues to speed up, being sleek and edgy is the new trend in fashion. Everyone at Trayvax is excited to be apart of this growing trend. Individuals are realizing the benefits of minimizing, making life simpler. And luckily, buying cool wallets has never been easier!

Purchasing a cool wallet?
-A "cool" wallet feels good on you
-Be different
-Find a brand that fits your personality
-Buy a cool wallet with longevity in mind


Brian Zig - Trayvax Content Creator
Browse Trayvax Wallets 


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